Investment Philosophy


Anaconda Investing

Anacondas are one of the world’s deadliest, most efficient predators. Anacondas don’t waste time or energy chasing prey. They don’t get into long drawn out battles. In fact, they don’t hunt in a traditional sense at all.

Instead, Anacondas lie in wait for long periods of time. They wait for unsuspecting prey to pass by, and only then do they strike. Anacondas are not interested a fair fight; Anacondas are interested in sure things. They are nature’s “no risk” operators.

Anaconda Investing is all about patience… developing the patience to hold cash and savings and sit tight until the ideal opportunity presents itself… an opportunity where the odds are overwhelmingly stacked in our favor.

Patient, long-term investment vision. The team at Anaconda Capital does not seek high-risk high-reward investments; we acquire high quality, long-term assets at values that represent a discount in today’s market.